SZÉK Restaurant & Bar

Number of reviews : 43
During the event "Restaurant Week" between 13 - 30 March, this restaurant is going to offer its 3-course menus from 8.900 HUF.
The following 3-course menus are of FIXED nature and cannot be altered in any way:
Menu 'A':
- 'Csorba' vegetable soup with cream and meat ball
- Miccs dish
- Papanas cottage chees doughnut
Optional extra course +1.500 Huf:
- Goulash stew with roasted root vegetables
Menu 'B':
- Transylvanian fried eggplant cream and zakuska
- Chicken breast stuffed with prunes and cheese with buttery mashed potatoes
- Cheesecake with fruit cream
Optional extra course +1.500 Huf:
- Roasted trout with lemon fried puliski and dill sauce
Menu 'C':
- Beef soup with marinated mushrooms and dried tomatoes with dumplings
- Pork shank a’la 'Pékné'
- 'Rigó Jancsi' plate dessert
Optional extra course +1.500 Huf:
- Creamy vegetable venison ragout with potatoes and forest fruit sauce