Spinoza Café

A hidden sidewalk café with traditional Jewish and Hungarian food specialties.
Number of reviews : 342
Dob utca 15.
1074 Budapest
The Spinoza Café is a beautiful, cosy restaurant in the heart of the Jewish quarter in Budapest, just a 2-minute walk from the Great Synagoge.
Open from 8 a.m., offering an amazing breakfast, available all-day! For lunch and dinner enjoy great, traditional, Hungarian foods and unique vegetarian dishes.
Every evening enjoy virtuoso piano live music. Every Friday watch our traditional Klezmer-show in the cabaret theatre inside.
Good food, great atmosphere, unique experience. Don’t miss it!
Reserve your table online now for free through DiningCity: Spinoza Restaurant - Budapest
This restaurant holds a DiningCity Star. The total menu price is HUF 8,900.