Promontor Garden Restaurant

Familiar atmosphere, quality cuisine, local wines.
Number of reviews : 258
Kossuth Lajos utca 28.
1221 Budapest
We would like to make this small Budafok district even more intimate and summon the milieu of Buda’s taverns. Like Grinzing in Vienna’s surroundings, we would like to bring that experience of those taverns with garden to our local people. We do this so that this place be Budafok and to remain entirely Budafok. Who would like to taste the meals of our kitchen and rinse it with a glass of local wine, definitely do a try!
We have found the best local butcher where we buy our daily fresh butcheries. We provide our vegetables and bakeries also from local places. We order cheeses from a Budafok-related company. As a member of Etyek-Buda wine region, we have selected the best wines of the local wineries to our wine list after tasting every variety. Respected the tradition of sparkling wines of Budafok, we have selected the sparkling wine of the house and its whole collection. The interior of the restaurant is also designed to be friendly and cozy and it is well suited to the characteristics of the building.
Reserve your table online now for free through DiningCity: Promontor Garden Restaurant – Budapest
This restaurant holds a DiningCity Star. The total menu price is HUF 8,900.