Mischenko kitchen

DiningCity Star – premium menu price for 8,900 HUF! New participant V

A Ukrainian restaurant where passion burns bright.

Number of reviews : 1

Tompa utca 17/B.
1094 Budapest

Mischenko Kitchen - a Ukrainian restaurant where passion burns bright. Every morning, we ignite the fire to prepare the very best for our guests and bring the true flavors of Ukrainian cuisine to each and every one of you. Our owner and head chef meticulously oversees our menu and the quality of our ingredients. We believe that great food can only be created with the finest ingredients, extensive experience, and a generous heart. Visit us and feel the warmth of genuine Ukrainian hospitality, where every guest is a friend, welcomed with open arms and delicious food!

Reserve your table online now for free through DiningCity: Mischenko kitchen – Budapest

This restaurant holds a DiningCity Star. The total menu price is HUF 8,900.